Wednesday, November 14, 2007

#11 my LibraryThing

I've known about LibraryThing for a while, and I've thought about setting up an account but I never did. So, now I am. I think I'm going to try to use it to keep track of books that I have read or books that I want to read. I've tried a few times keeping a book journal or a reading log, and I always bail out after a few weeks. Maybe this will be easier to maintain! And having some way to keep a 'want to read' list (somewhere other than in my head) will be great.

So here I am:

I think LibraryThing is pretty cool and has lots of interesting and useful features. I'd like to go back later and spend more time exploring, especially the features that are related to libraries. I think that ILS systems could learn a lot from the way people have flocked to, and use, LibraryThing.

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