Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Thing #3 - about lifelong learning

I thought the 7 1/2 Habits was a pretty interesting tutorial -- it's a good reminder that we can learn in a variety of ways, that learning doesn't have to be something stuffy and formal.

As for which habits are easiest and hardest... I think I do a pretty good job of setting goals and working toward them. I definitely use technology to my advantage. If I don't know about something, I know how to research and find out about it. Even if it's something as simple as defining a word or getting a better understanding of how something works, I use the Internet constantly to look for information. What's hardest? Play, probably. I tend to take things pretty seriously and I don't always give myself the opportunity to just cut loose and have fun -- especially when it comes to learning.


Marian said...

I just want to say a big, hearty "THANK YOU!" for putting this all together. The response has been wonderful and from some folks that I wouldn't have thought would try it. I'm so proud of everyone rising to the challenge. Thanks again for giving us all a great tool for stepping into the future and broadening our horizons!

Jerianne said...

You're welcome!